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Meet Our Governors

  • Mrs Helen Chambers

    Chair of Governors

    Mrs Helen Chambers

    Office: Co-opted
    Appointed By: LA
    Term: 4 years
    Date Appointed: 3.8.23

    End of Office: 3/8/27

    Appeals Committee
    Hearings Committee
    Pupil Discipline Committee
    *Quality of Education

    PE Governor (Witnesham)

    Register of Interests:
    My two children attend Witnesham Primary school, having moved from Ipswich school. I have a girl in year 1 and a boy in year 3.

    Other information:
    Before having children, my teaching career allowed me to hone my interest in English and this is the part of the curriculum I am passionate about.
    I am a true believer in helping all children access the curriculum, regardless of their circumstances. I also believe whole heartedly in this school and its teachers. I wanted to become a governor to help the school succeed and be the best it can be for its pupils.

  • Mrs Hannah Evans

    Mrs Hannah Evans

    Office: Staff Governor
    Date Appointed: 14/07/2020
    End of Office

    Quality of Education
    Finance, Premises and Personnel

  • Mr Andrew Leather

    Mr Andrew Leather

    Office: Parent Governor
    Appointed By: Governing Body 
    Term: 4 years
    Date Appointed: 05/11/2021
    End of Office: 05/11/2025

    Appeals Committee
    Hearings Committee
    Pupil Discipline Committee
    Finance, Premises and Personnel

    Register of Interests:
    My child attends Witnesham Primary school.

    Other information:

  • Mrs Sue Leggett

    Mrs Sue Leggett

    Office: Co-opted
    Appointed By: Federated Governing Body 
    Term: 4 years
    Date Appointed: 01/04/2014

    Term of office: 21.2.22
    End of Office: 20/02/2026 




    Appeals Committee
    Finance, Personnel & Premises Committee
    Head Teacher's Performance Review Group
    Hearings Committee
    Pupil Discipline Committee

    Link Governor
    Pupil Premium

    Register of Interests:
    Director of Econobuild Ltd.
    Partner in Damerons Farm Cottages.

    Other information:
    You could say I have Witnesham blood running through my veins having been born in Westerfield and moving just half a mile away to a neighbouring farm in Witnesham when I was four years old! You would be amused to see the photograph of me dressed as a chicken in the school play when I was about six years old! I was lucky enough to have the whole of Witnesham marshes as my playground (I've probably got one or two scars to prove it!). I have been married to Wayne for nearly 40 years and we have three grown up children, two of whom have 'flown the nest' and we live on a small farm in Henley, where we run our self-catering holiday cottages, a small building business and a flock of Jacob sheep.

    I've worked in various admin roles since leaving Claydon School and became interested in education when my children attended Henley Primary, seeming always to be involved in one type of 'voluntary' activity or another! My first 'proper' school job was at Thomas Wolsey Special School where I'd been for 9 years before 'coming home' to man the office at Witnesham until my retirement in May 2018.

    I felt very honoured when I was invited to join the Governing Body as a Community Governor almost 8 years ago. I very much hope to continue to build on and strengthen my links with the local community and in so doing enhance support for both of our schools and encourage the social and community ethos, which contributes to our success

  • Kelsie sykes

    Office: Co-opted
    Appointed By: Federated Governing Body 
    Term: 4 years
    Date Appointed: 15th March 2024

    End of Office: 15th March 2028


    Quality of Education

  • Kirsty shinkins-hatt

    Office: Parent Governor

    Appointed By: Parents

    Term: 4 years

    Date appointed: 18th November 2024

    End of office: 17th November 2028

    Committees: FPP

  • Nick O'Connor

    Office: Co-Opted

    Appointed by: Full Governing Board

    Term: 4 years

    Date appointed: 20th November 2024

    End of Office: 20th November 2028

    Committees: Quality of Education



    Office: Staff

    Appointed by: Governing Board

    Date appointed: 1st September 2022

Resigned Governors

Ian Liddell- Resigned 3/8/23

Michaela Harris- Resigned 31/8/23

Harry Engels- Resigned 31/8/23

Victoria Gregg- Resigned 20/9/24

Louise Nevill- Resigned 25/9/24

Charlotte Cook- Resigned 4/12/2024