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"Teachers are really kind and we are all friendly and look after one another."


 Federation Senior Leadership Team

Executive Headteacher- Hannah Evans

Executive Deputy Headteacher- Kate Engels

Executive Deputy Headteacher and Federation SENDCo - Joanna Debenham

Federation Administration TEAM

Federation Bursar- Mrs Farmer

Office Manager- Mrs Nichols

Administrative Assistant- Mrs Willson



Class 1 - (Reception) Mrs Cleverley and Mrs McCormack (LSA), Mrs Seaman (LSA)

Class 2 -  (Year 1 and Year 2) Miss Bolt (maternity leave) and Ms Carley, Mrs Cooke (LSA)

Class 3 - (Year 3 and Year 4)  Mrs Alsop-Lee, Mrs Swann (LSA)

Class 4 - (Year 5 and Year 6) Miss Borley, Mrs Hosking (LSA)


Class 1 - (Reception) Mrs Peck (maternity leave), Mrs Rookyard, Mrs Liddell (LSA), Mrs Utteridge (LSA)

Class 2 (Year 2 in the mornings)- Mrs Cosgrove, Mrs Liddell (LSA)

Class 3 -  (Year 3 and Year 4) Mrs Wrenn, Mrs Dye (LSA) & Mrs Whiting (LSA)

Class 4 - (Year 5 and Year 6) Mrs Edwards, Mrs Leggett (maternity leave), Mrs Van Zyl

Inclusion Support Worker - Ms Hood

Caretaker - Chris Wood