School Attendance and Term Time Holiday
Term time absence has a significant impact on a child's education. Where possible all holidays and appointments should be arranged in school holidays. Term time holidays were originally introduced for children whose parents were unable to take holiday at any other time; service and farming families fall into this category.
Governors have given the Headteacher permission to grant a leave of absence only in exceptional circumstances. Parents are asked to consider the impact on their child's learning of any absence for a holiday in term time.
Where it is not possible to make an appointment or take a holiday in the school holidays due to appointment restrctions and parent/carer job contracts we ask that you complete a form on the below link:
Otley Primary School
Witnesham Primary School
Please complete a form as soon as you can to ensure the school has enought time to process your request. We appreciate that in some circumstances, especially for appoinments this may need to be at short notice.
If permission is refused and your child is absent for the dates requested, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. Educational Welfare Officers inspect the school registers each half-term where unauthorised absences are recorded.