Miss Borley teaches Class 4 which is made up of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. They are supported by Ms Hosking, who is our Teaching Assistant. In Class 4, the children have many responsibilities such as library monitors, play leaders and preparing the hall ready for assembly. They are all encouraged to be great role models for the younger children in school.
Many of the children in Class 4 are enthusiastic about sport and throughout the year they can participate within many sporting events. The children love being active and particularly look forward to taking part in a number of inter-school tournaments.
In Class 4 we try to continue the cross-curricular approach to learning. Therefore, many of our lessons are linked to our driver topics for History and Geography such as ‘Dynamic Dynasties’ and ‘Groundbreaking Greeks’. We explore these topics through our writing process.
Our Learning:
In Class 4 we have spelling, reading or writing and maths lessons every morning. In our Reading lessons we explore and extend our understanding of texts by using the VIPERS approach. We absolutely love to use books to inspire our learning and our writing lessons are based on the text we are reading as a class. Our first book we are exploring this term is ‘Bronzer and Sunflower’ by Cao Wenxuan. In maths, we will be using the mastery approach for our learning. It would be wonderful if you could help to support your child at home to learn their Times Tables as this underpins their mathematical knowledge and builds on their maths fluency. We learn about the wider curriculum during the afternoons throughout the week. As a class we explore science, geography, history, RE, music, art, DT, French, PE, PSHE and Computing.
In Class 4, all homework is given out on a Friday. It is then collected the following Friday. This gives each child a chance to organise their own workload over the week and gain more independence in their learning. A typical week’s homework given out would consist of:
A maths or English task linked to their learning in class.
Spellings which will follow a given pattern.
Regular reading
Additional Information
If your child has guitar lessons at school these will take place on Monday mornings.
Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays but please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school each day as sometimes we may need our PE kits on days that are not our normal PE days. On PE days, earrings need to be removed and long hair needs to be tied back. On Wednesdays, we go swimming so please can swimming kits (costume/shorts, towel and swimming hat) be in school.
Please make sure that all items of clothing and water bottles are labelled with your child’s name so that we can easily find anything if it gets lost.
Every child is given a new reading diary at the beginning of the year. These are a vital means of communication, and as such they should be in school every day for the sharing of comments linked to your child’s reading or simply for quick messages. The school is continuing to use Class Dojo this year to communicate as well so please feel free to contact us there if you have any questions or concerns.