Welcome to Class 4's Information Page
Mrs Edwards
Year 5 and Year 6
Welcome to Class 4 at Otley! Relationships are really important to us and being part of a small, unique group allows us the time and opportunity to get to know each other really well. Everyone is valued and has a part to play in our class, school and local community. We each have something unique to give!
The children are ambassadors for the school and role models for the younger children. Class 4 provides them the opportunity to become Young Leaders in lunchtime games on the playground, as well as additional responsibilities in circle time assemblies with the whole school, managing the library and preparing the hall for assemblies and performances. These opportunities also extend to sports, where there are a number of events and competitions the children can participate in across the calendar.
A Day in the Life of Class 4
After registration, a typical day in Class 4 begins with spelling, handwriting and vocabulary practice where the children develop their knowledge of spelling patterns, their skill of writing them clearly and their understanding of the words they are using.
Following this, there is an English lesson where the children develop their reading and writing skills. In reading lessons, children will read a mixture of shorter and longer texts in order to develop their key reading skills:
Understanding vocabulary
Finding information
Making inferences
Identifying links
Summarising texts
Discussing the author’s decisions.
We will then use what we have read to make our writing SMART:
Stunning - paint a picture with words
Magpie - collect great ideas
Accurate - know the rules
Recipe - include the right ingredients
Thoughtful - think it through
After break time, we have a Maths lesson which always begins with daily practice of number and calculation questions to build their factual fluency, confidence and efficiency as mathematicians. Units are carefully sequenced to build upon each other and take the children through the curriculum in a logical and progressive way, whereby the next unit builds on from the previous. The children will regularly have the opportunity to solve problems with access to resources to support them in this. Year 6 children will encounter past SATs paper questions ready for their turn next May.
After lunch, the children will acquire knowledge and skills in Personal Development, Geography, History, Science, Computing, RE, Art, DT, PE, Music and French. We are keen to engage the children in their topics and encourage them to bring in things from home that link to these e.g. books, photos, resources, objects etc.
In Class 4 all homework is given out on a Friday. It is then collected the following Thursday. This gives each child a chance to organise their own workload over the week and take on more independence. A typical week’s homework given out would consist of:
Daily reading for at least 20 mins
Maths Olympics practice
Spelling practice focused on a specific sound/spelling pattern
An English or Maths activity
Extra Information
Our PE day is Monday but please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school every day so that they can take part in other opportunities too. We will make sure they are taken home at least every half term for a wash! Earrings must be removed and long hair tied back.
On Wednesdays until Christmas, we will go swimming at Framlingham College so please ensure the children have all their kit (costume/shorts, towel, swimming hat and goggles if desired) is in school each week.
Please make sure that all items of clothing and water bottles are labelled with your child’s name so that we can easily find anything if it gets lost.
Take a look at our latest Class Newsletter to see what we are up to this term:

Take a look at our latest Class Newsletter to see what we are up to: