We hope that children will take a pride in their appearance and a pride in being a member of the school community. There is a school uniform which is suitable for the activities of a modern primary school.
Sweatshirts, cardigans, PE Tops, bookbags and PE bags are available from our uniform supplier - Your school uniform. Other items of uniform are widely available from most large department stores.
We ask that all items of children’s clothing are clearly named!
There is a lost property box in the corridor. Please come and look through it if your child loses anything.
Please note that jewellery should not be worn in school.
If children have pierced ears, studs must be removed for Physical Education and swimming.
Our uniform supplier is Your School Uniform and can be found here: https://www.yourschooluniform.com/
Witnesham School Unform
Green Sweatshirt or Cardigan
Grey skirt, pinafore dress or grey tailored trousers
White shirt or polo top
White socks, black socks or black tights
Black shoes (no trainers)
As above or green and white checked dress, or short sleeved white shirt/polo shirt and grey shorts.
Physical Education
Plain black tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Plain black or school green sweatshirt for outside PE
Black/Navy shorts in warmer weather
Green t-shirt (white t-shirts were part of previous PE kit options and therefore there is no pressure to replace these if they still fit your child!)
Swimsuit, cap, towel (Key Stage 2 only)

Otley School Uniform
Red Otley Primary School sweatshirt or cardigan
Black skirt, pinafore dress or black trousers
White blouse or polo top
White or black socks or black tights
Red and white checked dress or grey skirt and white blouse
Short sleeved white shirt, grey shorts
Physical Education
Plain red polo t-shirt
Plain black shorts
Plain black tracksuit bottoms
Plain black jumper (no hoods as these can be caught or pulled during PE)
Plain white ankle socks (different to the ones worn for school, this will also help when girls wear tights for school and then have no socks for PE)
Plimsolls (optional)