Welcome to Class 3’s Information Page
Mrs Alsop-Lee
Years 3 and 4
Mrs Alsop-Lee teaches Class 3 which is made up of Year 3 and Year 4 pupils. We are supported by Mrs Swann who us our Teaching Assistant. In Class 3 we are all encouraged to enjoy our learning, to try our best and to be great role models for other children in the school.
Our Learning:
In Class 3 we have Spelling, Reading, Writing and Maths lessons. In our Reading lessons we will learn to read and understand texts by learning to use the VIPERS approach and questioning methods. The VIPERS method includes developing skills in predicting, inference, vocabulary, explaining, retrieving and sequencing. We love reading in Class 3 and we will be using our books to help inspire our learning. Each half term our learning will be inspired by a book, our first book this year is called, ‘Stone Age Boy’. In our Reading and Writing lessons we will also be learning a wide range of spelling, punctuation and grammar skills. In maths we will be learning using a mastery approach and we will be practicing our times tables daily too! It would be brilliant if you could help to support your child at home to learn their Times Tables, every child is expected to learn their times-tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. We find Times Tables especially important in KS2 as the times-table skills help support all other learning in maths lessons. We will also be learning about a wide range of foundation subjects such as Science, History, Geography, Computing, RE, PSHE, PE, Art, DT and Music.
Our homework this year will be sent home in your child’s homework folder every Friday. Each Friday your child will be given 2 pieces of homework, 1 for English and 1 for Maths. These pieces of homework need to be completed and returned to school by the following Thursday so that it can be marked and new pieces sent home for the following week.
Reading is really important to us in Class 3! We LOVE reading and are excited to start a new class book.
Your child will bring home a reading book every day, whenever they need to change their book they just need to ask us at school and they can go to change it. Support choosing books will be offered as needed but the children will be given the independence to choose their own books that they find interesting.
Please practice reading at home as often as you can (ideally at least 3x a week) to gain fluency and comprehension of what is being read. Just ten minutes every night can really help your child to progress in their reading. (Even fluent readers may need help with difficult words.) When you have listened to your child, please sign and date the pages read.
Additional Information
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays but please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school each day as sometimes we may need our PE kits on days that are not our normal PE days. On PE days, earrings need to be removed and long hair needs to be tied back.
Please make sure that all items of clothing are labelled with your child’s name so that we can easily find anything if it gets lost.
If your child has guitar lessons at school these will take place on Monday mornings